Quick Announcement!

Now that we have reached the valley, Dream and I will be holding a contest to see who will be "Deputy" to Kaida and Taem.

Tori, Sho, Sakura, and Kage are all able to enter. Any new joiners from this point on are not.

The winner will receive 50 EHP and the second-in-command position.

PLEASE READ: It will be a storyline contest :) More details will be revealed in the post.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A New Discovery

"Sho, Sakura, and I will keep them encircled. Taem, lead everyone and gather on a sort of leading path to the exit of the valley. Tori will signal us when you're ready" Kaida ordered. Taem was a bit thrown that Kaida was the one giving the orders again and snorted, but lead everyone else onward.

The Rattata grew restless and struck out more and more often, but Kaida and Sakura spit out embers left and right to keep them in formation. Sho used thundershocks as well. Finally, Tori screeched from above, and Sho shifted behind the group while Kaida and Sakura moved to either side. They attacked again, this time leaving one side open, so the Rattata were driven in one direction. Every so often Tori dove down to push a few strays back to the pack as the others drove the group on. Finally, they reached Denor, who shifted their direction slightly and followed along to help keep the Pokemon in line. Every time they met up with another misfit, their course was corrected.

Soon they were nearing the entrance to the Valley, and Taem and Eko stood waiting. Taem was tapping his foot. Kaida sighed at the look on his face. With a final forward drive, they sent the Clan outward, where Taem and Eko finished the job, pushing them away from their newfound home.


Later on, building on the camp had begun again, and everyone was working hard. Taem had just put the finishing touches on a new bramble defense, as the old one had been trampled. Tori fluttered down beside him.
"Umm, Taem? Can I talk to you for a sec?" Tori asked him. He nodded and the two secluded themselves outside the bustle of wall-building.
"I saw something strange at the ruins!" she chirped. Taem grew more and more curious as Tori described what she had seen.
"We'll all explore it as soon as the Camp is finished then" he decided.


☪Dream said...

Eko looked at Taem. His eyes seemed agitated, and he couldn't keep still.

"Taem...? Are you-"

Taem spun around.

"Just don't stand there! Do some work!"

Eko flinched back, and backed away.

:~~Eko, Taem:

Dawnstar said...

Kaida watched Eko shrink back from Taem. She padded up to the small Houndour. "Here. Why don't we work on this den over here together? I think...I think Taem might need some time to cool down" Kaida comforted in a soft voice.


20/120 EXP

☪Dream said...

(oh and 30/50 and 70/130)

Eko nodded and looked at Taem before padding away.



Taem grumbled under his breath and walked away, and sat down, closing his eyes.



Dawnstar said...

The sun was beginning to set when they had put the finishing touches on the Camp.

Kaida padded up to Taem. "Taem...it's getting late, do you want to come pick out your den?" she asked.


30/120 EXP

☪Dream said...

Taem sighed, and placed his head in his paws.

"Just... leave me alone...."

Memory flashes jerked his mind back and forth. He was close to being delusional. He muttered to himself.

"Why did he leave...?"



Dawnstar said...

"Ok, well, at least take some of this moss we found" she sighed worriedly. When he didn't respond, Kaida dropped it at his feet. "...and we're leaving at dawn to check out what Tori saw" she added.


40/120 EXP

☪Dream said...


He stood up, picking up the moss before going to the camp and leaning against a wall, his eyes closed.



Dawnstar said...

Kaida turned away and padded to her own Den, collapsing on the soft moss. It feels like...this has always been our home she thought, drifting into sleep.

Dawnstar said...

40/120 EXP

☪Dream said...

Taem fell into a sleep, dreaming of memories.

"Riolu! Go"

A shiny riolu appeared out of the pokeball. Taem quickly picked himself up and started to speed towards the geodude, knowing that this was the plan.

"Use force palm!"

Taem leaped up above. The other trainer yelled out a command.

"Use defense curl!"

A silver glint went over the geodude, and Taem landed right in front of it, his palm glowing in it's face. Then, it exploded. The geodude and Taem were thrown back, Taem skidded along the floor, and looked through the cloud of dust. The geodude had fainted, and he was announced the winner. He looked back and looked at his trainer.

"Yes! Come back!"

Taem ran back, and stood beside him. Taem watched as the next battle started. His trainer sent out a Wartortle against a Seel. The wartortle fainted, and the trainer sent Taem back out. Taem attacked, and with one move won. They had jsut beaten the gym leader.

They then went to the pokemon center, then started to go to the house they were staying at. There was a large crowd, and Taem got separated from his trainer. He tried to find him, but then Taem was grabbed.

He then woke up in a forest, and he didn't remember of how he had gotten there.

Taem woke with a jerk. He closed his eyes, his mind ringing with the sounds of battling.


☪Dream said...


Dawnstar said...

In the morning, the Mistfits all began the journey to the far end of the Valley where the ruins stood. The morning air smelt of dew and the sounds of nature slowly began to unfurl from a deep silence of night. Kaida and Taem led the group, with Eko padding just behind.


50/120 EXP

☪Dream said...

Taem walked along, feeling like he wasn't even there. His mind was elsewhere. He tried to shake himself out of it, but couldn't.



(when do they evolve?? Taem will evolve when he becomes happy again/certain level, and Kaida needs to find a fire stone xD)

Dawnstar said...

(Well, I was thinking Lv. 16 for Kaida...or maybe Lv. 18-20 XD)

Kaida yawned, feeling a little sleepy, but kept on at a leading pace beside Taem. She listened to the tall grass rustle, and let the sun soak into her fur. Soon, she could see the tip of the ruins as they neared the peak of a hill. They were close.

60/120 EXP


☪Dream said...

Taem walked along, not even caring where they were going.

"Why don't we stop for a bit..? Take a rest."

His eyes flashed back to Eko. Back with his trainer he was always relied on to take care of the younger pokemon.



Dawnstar said...

[I was thinking when they arrive Taem and Kaida get trapped in a room inside the ruins when something collapes over the only exit and they are stuck there together for a long time. Then they talk of their past and stuff...what do you think?]

"Taem we're almost there!" Kaida laughed. She picked up her pace and ran down the hill, almost tripping as she did so. At the bottom she reached the entrance to the ruins. Cracked pillars paved the way to an old crumbling structure that seemed to angle almost underground.

70/120 EXP


☪Dream said...

( Sure! :D )

Taem sighed and followed at a slower pace.

"What if this is dangerous?"



Dawnstar said...

"We have to investigate! Plus, we can handle a little risk can't we? Handling small chance seems to be in our nature"

80/120 EXP


[Moonstar, the Shiny Eevee on here told me on another blog she's going to be gone for a while, like near-ish to a month]

☪Dream said...


Taem shuffled his feet.

"What if something does happen though..?"



Dawnstar said...

"Aw, relax, nothing will happen" Kaida scoffed. "I'm definitely ready to explore! Can we go in now?"

90/120 EXP


☪Dream said...

Taem looked at the entrance.

"It just doesn't feel right.. What if there are pokemon in there?"



Dawnstar said...

"This old place? Unless they're as stupid as we are they would never come close" she joked, and began to enter the ruins.

100/120 EXP


☪Dream said...

Taem grumbled a bit and let Eko go in front of him and followed.

"This won't be good..."

He shifted his aura to be able to sense any danger.



Dawnstar said...

As Kaida entered a great and elegant main hall, she noticed the strange marking that were carved into the rock. Sometimes the wall would shimmer in places, and a small green gem would be embedded there. The floor and ceiling were painted with a beautiful dreamy scene. In the center of the room was a painted picture Pokemon...but it was so old and faded that Kaida couldn't recognize what Pokemon it depicted. Many cases of stairs surrounded the room. "Woah..." Kaida breathed softly.

110/120 EXP


☪Dream said...

Taem narrowed his eyes as he looked around, expanding his aura to survey the place.

"More like weird."



Dawnstar said...

"It's like a forgotten palace. One with a hidden secret that's just waiting to be unlocked by someone!" Kaida gasped, eyes sparkling with excitement.

120/120 EXP


☪Dream said...

"Eh... I don't trust it."

Taem grumbled, distrustful of the ruins.



Dawnstar said...

Kaida looked around, enchanted by what she saw. Suddenly something flashed past her. "Did you see that?" she asked the others. They shook their heads. She looked confused, then bounded after the flash, down to one of the side staircases. It lead to a golden room with an empty Altar near the back. Sunlight shone in from a Crescent Moon-shaped hole that had been carved in.

10/130 EXP


☪Dream said...

"Kaida! What are you doing!? Wait here."

He followed after Kaida.

"What are you doing!? You can't just run off! You act like you're newly hatched!"



Dawnstar said...

The ground suddenly began to shake as some of the ceiling from above the entrance tumbled to the ground, blocking the only way out. Kaida couldn't believe her eyes. "Oh no oh no. We're trapped!" she gasped, in a panic.

20/130 EXP


(How did you get banned from PF for a couple days? :'( )

☪Dream said...

( I "cheated". I looked at the newest event images. -_- like, my account ends in four days, I won't be able to get another one in time. :'( And I can't even log out! Like!! :'( >:'( So unfair. HOW IS LOOKING AT IMAGES CHEATING!? could you possibly try to offer on ult accounts for me? I can have a mananphy summon, an azelf summon, a shiny spinda, 2 nugget. if I need to add more ask me. But if you can jsut offer for me, I'll love you >.<)

Taem groaned.

"I told you! You never listen!"



Dawnstar said...

(I can try for you! You want the year account right?)

Kaida sat on the dusty rock floor. "So...what now?"

30/130 EXP


☪Dream said...

(No no. xD Just month. lol)

"I don't know! You got us into this!"

Taem snapped, and sat down, irritated.



Dawnstar said...

(Oh! That will be way easier to find! :D)

Time passed on. Taem and Kaida sat against the wall together. They couldn't hear a noise from outside the wall of rock, and began to worry more and more that they wouldn't ever find a way out. The sun set and the light vanished from existence.

"Taem, where did you live when you were born...will you tell me all about it?" Kaida asked sleepily.

Dawnstar said...

(40/130 EXP)

☪Dream said...

Taem fidgeted slightly.

"I... I lived differently then you all think I did."



Dawnstar said...

Kaida's ears twitched. "Well, can you tell me about it all the same? Or..."

50/130 EXP


☪Dream said...

Taem looked down.

"I was born alone, with that ribbon. But then I was found shortly after. By a... trainer..."



Dawnstar said...

Kaida listened and began to speak when Taem had cut off, "I never got to have a trainer. My parents were owned by a breeder"

60/130 EXP


☪Dream said...

"Ya. You said that. I remeber."

Taem closed his eyes.

"The trainer took me in. I was his top pokemon. Most treasured. I was always his first pokemon out in a battle. Always the first to help the new pokemon."


Dawnstar said...

"Wh-What happened?" Kaida asked softly, with a sad tone in her voice.

70/130 EXP


☪Dream said...

"After a battle. we got... seperated. In a crowd. Then I was captured, and brought somewhere else. I don't remember anything, just waking up in the wild..."

Taem's voice was almost a whisper.


Dawnstar said...

Kaida nodded sadly. "My...my brother hated me. He couldn't stand how I was different...and even my mother couldn't protect me in the end. I was driven away from my only home...I know I've told you the story before..." Kaida whispered emptily back. "And she told me I was special. She never mentioned the pain of being different...how lonely it would be..." Kaida spat, tears coming to her eyes.

☪Dream said...

Taem sighed.

"I was never alone. Only recently, after I was separated."



Dawnstar said...

"You can be surrounded by family and still feel alone...I'd been lonely ever since I can remember...unitl the day I met you and we became friends" she answered quietly.


90/130 EXP

☪Dream said...

Taem looked away.

"I'm sorry... but I feel differently. I feel more out of place here then I've ever felt. My life here is full of lies."



Dawnstar said...

"Didn't you just tell me everything?" Kaida asked, laying her head on the cold floor.


100/130 EXP

☪Dream said...

"No. Not really."

He got up and paced around, bristling with annoyance.



Dawnstar said...

"Oh, well excuse me for not reading your mind" she snorted. Kaida turned her back to him, clearly taken aback after his response.


110/130 EXP

☪Dream said...

*Taem rolled his eyes.*

Stop being such a drama-queen.



Dawnstar said...

"Then stop acting prickly, you can be like a Cacnea sometimes" she barked in return.


120/130 EXP

☪Dream said...

At least Cacnea's have some sense. Unlike you.



Dawnstar said...

"I have enough sense to realize that you shouldn't be so rude to other Pokemon and act like the world revolves around you!" she growled.


130/130 EXP

☪Dream said...

*Taem jumped around, and moved so quickly that he was face to face with the growlite.*

Do you really believe that I think the world revolves around me?! My world revolves around helping the younger pokemon. My trainer. My partners.

*His voice had an edge to it. His eyes glinted dangerously. He growled.*



Dawnstar said...

Kaida looked shocked. Once she recovered, it faded into a regretful look. "I-I'm sorry Taem. I didn't realize that saying that..." she whispered, ears drooping. She had sensed that after that, the fight would have escalated to something much more serious than a quarrel.


10/140 EXP

☪Dream said...

*Taem stepped back and whispered.*

Why do you think I help Eko so much?

*His voice had returned to normal, almost wistful.*



Dawnstar said...

Kaida nodded, her eyes shining. She was glad that their fight had ended. When they weren't angry with each other, she felt she could rely on Taem as someone who would listen.

"Taem, I hope one day you won't feel so out of place with the Misfits. Always remember that different is what brings us together, ok?" she said kindly. "...and, is doesn't matter if you don't tell the whole truth, I trust you" she added.

☪Dream said...

*Taem looked at Kaida through the corner of his eye. He sighed.*

I don't know if that will ever happen.



Dawnstar said...

"Then I'll have to keep repeating it, and you can't forget that all the Pokemon here care about you" she laughed, smiling brightly.


30/140 EXP

☪Dream said...

*Taem shot his eyes toward kaida.*




Dawnstar said...

(I'm sorry! I gaught so caught up in the PF Item Event I forgot to reply here >.<')

She sighed. "Are you doubting that they care?" she asked him sincerely.


40/140 EXP

☪Dream said...

Yes. Cause they don't.



(when are they gonna evolve? and when are they gonna get out?)

Dawnstar said...

(Wow I was tired. I went to sleep at 6 AM XD Confusing "got" with "gaught" *facepalm* I didn't even notice)

"Well, then at least I can tell you that [b]I[/b} care about you" she said.

[We can wrap up the conversation really soon, and then Kaida will notice something on the Altar in the room. And I'm thinking they can evolve soon after this "adventure" to the ruins]


50/140 EXP

☪Dream said...

(Kk. I made another header a while ago, like a little after we started this blog with them in their evolved forms :P)

He rolled his eyes.

"I'm sure you do."



Dawnstar said...

[hehe, used the wrong code for the bold XD]

"Taem, I really do, please believe me" she begged.


60/140 EXP

☪Dream said...

*Taem didn't respond.*

How are we going to get out of here?



Dawnstar said...

She sighed, turning her head to the crescent-shaped hole in the ceiling. This time something was different.

"Taem...there's something on the altar. It looks like a crescent moon..." she barked quietly. She padded forward to go and touch it.


70/140 EXP

☪Dream said...

*Taem spun around*

Don't touch it if you don't know what it is!



Dawnstar said...

Kaida flinched. "I-it's ok...it feels calm, like it's dreaming" she whispered. Her nose touched it and in a burst of light another Pokemon appeared. This Pokemon resembled the faded depiction from the main hall. It communicated to them silently, with only it's intense stare to indicate conversation. "Cresselia" Kaida whispered. The room began to spin and she felt off balance. It really was like a dream as she became as light as air and drifted through the crescent hole in the room. Taem was right beside her.

The two woke up outside the ruins. What had happened was a little fuzzy.

(Gah, it's hard to write I'm so tired DX)


80/140 EXP

☪Dream said...

Taem shook his head.

"What the..."



Dawnstar said...

"I think Cresselia got us out of there" Kaida blinked, slowly thinking over what had happened.


90/140 EXP

☪Dream said...

Taem rolled his eyes.

"Sureee. A legendary? Helping us?"



Dawnstar said...

"Well, she told me her name" Kaida said defensively.


100/140 EXP

☪Dream said...

A legendary wouldn't help us! We are nothing!

*Taem looked to the side and his eyes widened. There, sleeping next to the cave entrance was Eko.*

What the...



Dawnstar said...

Kaida snorted, turning away from Taem like she was offended. "Nothing. Well, I like to think this golden coat of mine makes me special"


110/140 EXP

☪Dream said...

You know what it makes you? Since you think it makes you "unique", you think you have special privileges, and you think you are better then other pokemom.



(Taem's a mean one :P )

Dawnstar said...

"Privileges?! You know as well as I do there's next to zip in that field" she fired back.

(She didn't want to make Taem mad here, but otherwise I would've added "Besides, what would that make you, a self-hating cynic?" >.< or something like that)


120/140 EXP

☪Dream said...

*Taem glared at Kaida.*

Then why do you want to live there!? You contradict yourself so much!



(I love mad taem :P He's fun to RP lol )

Dawnstar said...

(You took me literally |D I didn't mean an actual field with grass and stuff)

"Wait, what?" Kaida asked, confused now. "I'm talking about how there's not many real "privileges" to being "special" compared with other Pokemon out there. Here as a Misfit...it's different"

☪Dream said...

(Haha. Noo, Taem is just mad :P )

You know how much I hate. That. Word. I am not a misfit! I had a life! A life I could've lived in forever! You're the only one who thinks we're misfits!



Dawnstar said...

"Well you want to know what I really think, I think the word misfit plays its part in our lives, and why we-" she cut herself off and began again "...why I think of it as the painful truth I have to face when I know I can never see my family ever again no matter if I could find my way. But the one I have to remember also brings us together right here right now!"

Kaida's anger suddenly broke to a quiet sadness and she looked away.


140/140 EXP

☪Dream said...

Nothing had brought us together but misfortunes. That's ALL that has happened.



Dawnstar said...

"That's just how you see it" she whispered, and padded away, back into the ruins alone.


10/150 EXP

☪Dream said...

Why are you going back in there!? Do you wanna get killed!?



Dawnstar said...

She flicked her tail with anger and disappeared into the cavern-like entrance.


20/150 EXP

☪Dream said...

*Taem narrowed his eyes.*

Come out. I don't want to drag you out.



Dawnstar said...

She didn't reply. Looking all around her at the many staircases, she ran down one picked at random. At the bottom there was a platform and a second staircase. She descended the second one and met another platform. A dead end with an illegible language engraved on the walls. Resting her head between her paws, she closed her eyes and was silent.


30/150 EXP

☪Dream said...

*taem rolled his eyes and raced after her. He stopped.*

get up.



Dawnstar said...

She didn't reply or move, just kept ignored him.


40/150 EXP