Quick Announcement!

Now that we have reached the valley, Dream and I will be holding a contest to see who will be "Deputy" to Kaida and Taem.

Tori, Sho, Sakura, and Kage are all able to enter. Any new joiners from this point on are not.

The winner will receive 50 EHP and the second-in-command position.

PLEASE READ: It will be a storyline contest :) More details will be revealed in the post.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Journey to The Valley

Kaida stumbled over her own paws as she weakly made her way down the rocky canyon path. Despite the canyon's walls creating shadow and closing in upon her, the sun blazed hotly overhead in the summer sky. 'How much longer can I go on?' she thought, sighing out loud, followed by a cough. Her throat was coated with dust from the travel across empty plain. Kari told her this place was once a paradise, seeing it now made her think otherwise. How she longed to see her mother again.

She had once lived in a small Village where a breeder raised Pokemon of all kinds. Kari was her mother, and she had many brothers and sisters. Kaida was "special" as her mother put it. Her fur was golden, while the rest of her family's was an auburn red. The breeder was puzzled by her and never played with her like he did her sisters and brothers, he had never seen a golden Growlithe hatch before. He only watched her. So, she spent most of her time with her mother, memorizing all the stories she was told.

Finally, Jiro, her eldest brother, challenged her. He wanted her to fight him, but she knew she would lose. Her mother stepped in to protect her, but agreed sorrowfully that Kaida must leave the Farm, as Jiro had grown stronger than Kari through training. She was escorted to the edge of the Village and they watched her as she began onto the dead plain...

Kaida was wrenched from her thoughts as she heard a cry from above. Weight instantly landed upon her back as she was pinned to the ground with a huff. "Oh sorry!" her crusher exclaimed. Whatever it was rolled off her and she stood up. It was a golden Riolu, she had seen Riolu, and he was like her, special. "My name's Taem. Sorry for falling on you, but I was chasing a Pidgey that stole my last Poffin!" the Riolu apologized. "It's ok, I understand" she replied. She nodded her head and started walking along the path again. "Wait! Where are you going!" he exclaimed. "Forward" she answered. "I want to come with you then" he said. She sighed and nodded reluctantly, but inside was glad to have a companion to travel with.


☪Dream said...

*Taem lifted his head and walked beside Kaida. He had never really seen many other pokemon, let alone pokemon who walked on for legs. He had also never seen a pokemon like him.*

So what are you doing out here?

*Taem looked at Kaida quizzically.*


10/10 EXP

Dawnstar said...

She shrugged. "I was driven out by my family...and the only one I miss is my mother. I lived on a Breeding Farm where Trainers always took away Pokemon, but they seemed really happy. I always wanted to go too, when a sibling left, but the Breeder always directed them away...anyways I'm better off now"


20/20 EXP

☪Dream said...

*Taem nodded.*

What's a breeder and a trainer?

*Taem looked at Kaida very confused.*


☪Dream said...

10/20 EXP

Dawnstar said...

"Breeders own tons of types of Pokemon, and their Pokemon have eggs. Trainers adopt the Breeder's pokemon and they become friends in a...what does my mother call it...oh! A Quest, to be strongest" Kaida explained, looking a tiny confused herself.


10/30 EXP

♥Warriors101♥ said...
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Dawnstar said...
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♥Warriors101♥ said...
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